3 Steps to Start the Road to a Healthy Lifestyle

A few family, friends and clients have asked me how they can start to do better when it comes to holistic health. I find with all of the information out there; it is difficult to weed through it and find a starting point. We can all get lost in the rabbit hole and lose our purpose and what our goals are when trying to do what is best.

Below you will find 3 simple steps that will make your road to a healthy lifestyle easy and purposeful.

  1. Make the choice
    Congratulations, by reading this you have made the choice to set the intention of living a healthy lifestyle. Our intentions and our actions are a strong part of molding our day and how we live. It is one thing to say that you want it but it is another to make the choice and act on that choice.
    Please take a moment right now to grab a notebook and a pen or the notebook app on your phone and write down your choice. An example might be: “Today, I will start to make healthier choices for my body and mind.”

  2. Set your goals
    It is important to set realistic, small goals for yourself and reward yourself as you accomplish them. Take the time to sit down with the same notebook and pen or notebook app and write down what your ultimate goal is.
    Fill this in: “Today I am going to start my healthy lifestyle journey in _____________________________ and ___________________________.”
    Some examples of things you might want to change would be your eating habits, fitness, meditation and or time with family. Now that you have your main goals it is time to set our realistic, small goals. Working week by week is an important part of feeling a sense of accomplishment and seeing results. Take some time for yourself every Sunday or Monday and go back to your mail goal then set your mini goals for the week. If your goal is to be more active then setting a weekly mini goal of getting 8,000 steps 4 days of the week or if you are more active, go to the gym 4 days of the week. Now for the reward, do you want to watch a new movie that is out? do you like to get your nails done? pick something that is a perk in your life and reward yourself with that. Do not use food as a reward! It is important to have a healthy relationship with food and using it for comfort, reward or punishment is not a way to build a healthy relationship.

  3. Find an accountability partner
    Lots of people have a hard time setting goals and sticking to them. Setting yourself up for success means having someone to hold you accountable. It might be your partner, best friend or some look for a health coach or personal trainer. It is important that your accountability partner is aware of your goal, your weekly goals and is encouraging to keep you in check. They need to celebrate the victories in your journey, help keep you on track and lift you up if you get sidetracked.

I hope you can take these three simple steps to help you start your health and wellness journey. You can do it! Get your notebook and pen and make the choice for changes in your health and wellness, then go through your goals and set your small goals for the next week, now it is time to get an accountability partner to help you in your journey.

You are beautiful inside and out! You can live your best life and make small changes to feel great and have more energy.